Life Beyond Boating  l  Marblehead, Massachusetts

Winter 2008-09
January 18-19, 2009
Will This Snow Never Stop?

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

This morning we awoke to another snowstorm. It began sometime after midnight and has been coming down all day. (Jan. 18, 2009)

By noon about 8 inches had fallen. It's still coming down steadily but gently.  Maybe it's over?

I got out and fed the wild birds early this morning, and they've been flocking in droves to the yard all day.

Inside with the wood stove going it's quite comfortable.  Hearing that this storm was coming, yesterday I filled the kitchen wood rack from the firewood racks across the lot.

Another view outside from the kitchen. The plow guys finally cleared the driveway and parking lot at 7:30 pm. Tomorrow I'll get out and move snow out of the way all over again

My snowshoe tracks across the yard to Barbara's house for dinner and back. It's almost time to get the shovel out and open those paths!

Whoops, it still hasn't stopped.  At 10 pm the snow is falling with a vengeance again, adding to the 10 inches to a foot of accumulation so far.

It's been like this all day: The snow stopping briefly, apparently to allow the storm to recharge, then coming back heavily.

The forecast now is for the snow to continue until early tomorrow morning, another good four inches is predicted.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh yeah, we got more alright -- another good 6 inches overnight.  (Jan. 19, 2009)

The birdfeeders around the yard are capped by it.

If I didn't see it here myself, I'd never believe the snow plow came through last night and cleared the lot and driveway. That snow pile out front is getting awfully big.

It's going to take some serious snow removal to dig out our vehicles and clear the paths. At 9 am I decided it was time to get started.

Uh oh, I'm not getting out the front door any time soon without shoveling my way. Chip Mate, the the upturned dinghy out there on plastic sawhorses, is beginning to look like an igloo.

I slipped out the back door beneath the lean to and fired up the snowthrower, then plowed my way around.  Between it and the trusty shovel, once again the task of moving lots of snow from one place to another had commenced. Shots of my progress follow.

Views of my yard being cleared with snowthrower and shovel follow
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Back to normal with the lot plowed out.
Good to go until the next storm!
Dec. 28, 2008  |  Jan. 1, 2009  |  Back to Jan 11, 2009  |  NEXT  |  Feb 4, 2009  |  March 1, 2009

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