Chip Ford's 1974 Catalina 22 Restoration Project
Sail #3282  l  Marblehead, Massachusetts

The never-ending project to fill my hole in the ocean while bailing it out

Sailing Season '08
The Chip Ahoy - Malacass Photo Rendezvous
June 8, 2008

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On the day of Chip Ahoy's first sail of Sailing Season 2008, John Graichen ("Malacass") and his friends met up with me out in Salem Sound to take some photos of each other's boats under sail.  (Jun. 8, 2008)

Photo:  John caught up with me from behind as I approached Misery Island heading for the channel between it and Bakers Island.

We'd arranged to meet out here, but John got an earlier start than me -- I had to adjust the new mainsail and boom on Chip Ahoy's mooring before I could get underway.  To get out toward Misery and Bakers Islands and the channel, where I'd expected to find Malacass, I ended up running wing-and-wing in very light air.

Photo:  Chip Ahoy sailing wing-and-wing toward the Bakers Island Channel, with Greater and Little Misery Islands a short distance away on the horizon.

As I left Salem Harbor behind I'd reached John by cell phone aboard Malacass to learn his location.  He was out on the other side of Misery Island, where I had planned to go as well.  He would head back in toward me, we'd meet up somewhere along the way.  (Malacass with Bakers Island and its lighthouse on the horizon, the granite Bowditch Ledge Daybeacon between.)

(John aboard Chip Ahoy passing Bowditch Ledge, Oct. 15, 2006)

The early heat wave was on strong, temperature in the 90s, but there was little wind, just air moving lazily.  What there was amounted to "light and variable" at best, shifting around the compass continually.  The sea was as flat and calm as I've ever seen it.  It took us about an hour to rendezvous.

While watching for Malacass on the way out, I didn't spot it -- until John called and told me he was coming up on Chip Ahoy's starboard side stern quarter, somehow behind me!  We were soon side-by-side looking for good photo angles, trying to get the most out of the light air.  Graciously it picked up a bit for a short while so we could get a few photos of more than luffing sails.

Malacass, John and friends with Bakers Island on the horizon.

The mild breeze held long enough for us to grab some decent photos before it died off again.

Chip Ahoy heading out toward the islands.

Malacass up close with John at the tiller, his "automatic tiller pilot" relaxing on the foredeck.

Chip Ahoy heading out toward the islands.

The ocean was virtually flat, until an occasional power boat passed -- rarer this season with the astronomical price of fuel, one benefit of the cost hike.  The wakes tossed our boats all over with nothing but light-to-no air to stabilize the sails.

Watch the results of this power boat's wake

Chip Ahoy heading back toward Marblehead.

Me at the tiller.  It's going to take a while to get home at this rate of speed!

John heading Malacass toward Marblehead Harbor on the horizon.

The parting shots, this one of me taking one of Malacass before heading back slowly toward Salem Harbor and Chip Ahoy's mooring.

Sailing Season '08 has arrived!

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